Sunday, December 7, 2014

Coding: What it is and Its Importance

"Quite simply, the world runs on code. Every time you switch on a PC, a mobile phone, a calculator, even a microwave, code is being run." Coding is taking over the world: day by day, minute by minute, we rely on the power of computer programming so much that even the thought of functioning without these conveniences is inconcievable. Coding is defined as the list of instructions given to any computer in order for it to perform desired actions and it is becoming more and more important and influencial in our everyday lives. The language that computers, apps and basically all of technology speak is code, and we are the ones that have instigated this phenomenon. 

Without humans, computers are useless, along with many other forms of technology because they do not have any instructions to follow. The instructions that tell a computer to run a certain application or display certain content come from code and though technology is useless without it, it seems we are useless without technology. As technology annually increases its rapid growth and capability, it is vital for children nowadays to begin to learn code. Simlar to a foreign language or a family of foreign languages, learning code now can only benefit the minds of the future. Even studies have shown that over the next 10 years it is estimated that there will be 1.4 million jobs in computer sciences and only around 400,000 graduates qualified to do them. Coding is taking over our societies and before we know it will be the language of the future. 

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