Sunday, September 7, 2014


Honors Freshman Physics has been an ongoing back and forth of thoughts on what the class might bring in terms of challenges and material but at least at the moment, I am excited and ready to take on the challenge of the class. At first, I believed the class would not be as challenging as fellow peers made it out to be, but that was before I had heard anything about what it would be like. I have always excelled in science and math so I felt the class would not be anything I could not handle. The first day of class I will admit I was slightly overwhelmed. The fast pace and unfamiliar idea of actually "thinking" in a class was a lot to take in but, as the first week of school has just concluded, my conclusion of what the class will bring for the rest of the year changed. I believe it will be something that will definitely challenge me and push me to work hard, yet something I am capable of excelling and performing well at. In the midst of all the math and theory that was introduced throughout the first week of the class, I stumbled upon something that I believe can get you to be successful in anything you do, passion. Similarly to when I first played basketball or soccer and had a keen desire to constantly go outside and kick a ball around or shoot at a basket, it was passion that drove me to be successful in those sports and I believe it will be passion and interest in physics that will help me succeed throughout the year. I found that physics is already one of my favorite classes and that though it may through some obstacles my way through the year, I will overcome the hurdles and it will end up helping me though it may be challenging at first. All in all, I do expect many challenges, some successes and I can be sure already it will be the most interesting class I take as a freshman.

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